Welcome to UCH Engage

Welcome AASC Attendees!

UCH Engage provides exceptional service coordination program development, management and quality assurance for senior affordable housing that can take your resident services to a higher level. We currently provide program administration and quality assurance to service coordinators working in 15 states. We can partner with you to develop a program that provides positive outcomes for your residents, meets regulatory guidelines and maintains its funding by delivering excellent management and quality assurance support.

If you are a Service Coordinator looking for additional support, training, coaching and/or guidance, our team with over 50 years of combined experience can assist. Our staff providing Quality Assurance services have worked as Service Coordinators. They understand your role and how Quality Assurance services can be a support and enhance your skills. We focus on coaching, teaching and providing solutions for service coordinators. Your program will not end up with a numerical rating or a score card. Instead, we provide individualized communication and supportive solutions.

Kim Yoder, MSW
UCH Engage Program Manager


Dan Fagan, MPA, LSW
Director of UCH Engage

Learn how you can obtain funding to start your program or how you might be able to enhance your current program.

Ready to take your resident services to a higher level?

We’d love to help. Contact us today!