A Message from Our CEO
The growing movement of protests and unrest around the country impacts us all at some level. United Church Homes, as a mission supporting a diverse group of residents, clients and staff in 14 states and two Native American nations, is deeply concerned about the continuing impact of racism and injustice in our country.
We want our extended family of employees, residents and friends to know that we, too, grieve the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, the latest victims of violence against people of color.
And we grieve over the escalating divisive rhetoric that seems to stoke episodes of violence and damages the fabric of our local communities, at a time when so many are already hurting. This often turns our attention away from the root cause, which is the racism and injustice that so many suffer that we need to acknowledge.
Extending compassion and showing respect for diverse peoples are the foundation of our commitment to inclusion. We strive to live our mission every day to welcome everyone no matter what journey in life they are walking. Founded in 1916, UCH began its mission at a time of ethnic discrimination, poverty and pandemic. These are chilling echoes to our contemporary situation.
We seek ways to become allies with those whose voices have been marginalized and whose basic needs are threatened due to centuries of unjust and prejudiced attitudes and policies.
For those who are hurting and impacted by these events, we pray and work for healing.
For those who feel their voice is never loud enough to be heard or respected, we open our hearts to hear your pain and pray and work for inclusion.
For those who are committed to end intolerance and prejudice, we pray for renewed strength. We pledge to collaborate with all those who seek to transform the unjust and broken systems within our society.
It’s time to come together to close the chasms of race and poverty that divide our communities. We want to work with others to help find solutions that foster justice, equality and peace in the communities we serve and beyond.
We believe in the power of community where all are treated equitably so that the experience of abundant life will be most likely to flourish for all. This is the vision toward which we strive every day.
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Daniel, MPA
President and CEO