The 2014 Employee Annual Giving Campaign launched in late July with an ice cream sundae bar for Housing Community managers and leaders.
Gloria T. Hurwitz, vice president of advancement, invited guests to participate in the campaign as a way to support the organization’s efforts to cultivate a culture of philanthrophy and giving. “Our employees fulfill United Church Homes’ mission and ministry by the work they do every day,” said Gloria. “The Employee Giving Campaign is an opportunity for staff to further support their own work.”
The response to Advancement’s invitation was immediate and resounding—as Housing Community managers effectively doubled their participation rate over last year’s response.
The Campaign in UCH Healthcare Communities will begin in September and run through mid-November, with a comparable emphasis on participation and prayerful consideration. Last year nearly 60% of UCH employees were engaged in the Campaign.
For more information about the Employee Annual Giving Campaign, including pledge forms, gift premiums/incentives, engagement ratios and the coveted Spirit goose, please contact