Ruth Frost Parker passed away on February 14 at the age of 92 at Parkvue Community in Sandusky, Ohio. Her unparalleled vision and generosity helped create the senior healthcare and residential campus of Parkvue Community. Mrs. Parker’s leadership, generous philanthropy and abiding attention helped advance the ministry of United Church Homes in countless ways.
Mrs. Parker thoroughly embraced her role as servant leader, and embodied the core values of United Church Homes that the Board of Directors adopted in February, just two days before her death. These values are meant to guide the organization’s mission now and into the future. Every initiative she engaged in demonstrated her compassion, integrity and stewardship. She also was an advocate that senior living ministries operate out of an abiding sense of hospitality, respect and transparency.
In addition to serving on the UCH Board of Directors for nearly a decade, Mrs. Parker was well known as the most generous donor in the history of United Church Homes. UCH recognized her generosity by naming its top giving level the Ruth F. Parker Circle, as well as the Ruth F. Parker Nursing Scholarship. She was a tireless advocate for making senior living and healthcare accessible to everyone.
Mrs. Parker often referred to Parkvue Community as her “baby,” her favorite place meriting her sustained attention and devotion. Over the past year alone, her gifts to Parkvue funded the construction of the community’s newly expanded therapy department and café, and plans are moving forward to realize her vision of a state-of-the-art aquatics facility. United Church Homes is also planning for a potential independent living expansion project on the campus.
Parkvue and United Church Homes were so blessed to have such an extraordinarily ardent supporter and benefactor. She had the ability, the interest and the passion to make a transformative difference in the lives of others, and she did so abundantly. Ken Keller, who worked closely with Mrs. Parker for nearly 20 years in his role as administrator of Parkvue Community, said she was the greatest person he’s ever known. Many people in the Sandusky community and beyond feel the same way.
As we keep Ruth Parker and her family and friends in our thoughts and prayers, UCH will long remember her for taking steps to assure her memory lives on, and be thankful to continue in the spirit of Ruth Parker.