Elizabeth Van of Parkvue Healthcare found our recent performers, Ken and Mary, to be quite entertaining. After their accordion and banjo performance, she talked to Ken and they exchanged some conversation in the German language. When Elizabeth mentioned a song called “Blue Skirt Waltz,” Mary picked up her accordion and played the song for Elizabeth.
Elizabeth stilled, and tears began to flow. She said she was crying tears of joy for the wonderful memories that had overcome her. She recalled attending dances many years ago, and she remembered dancing with her beau to that song. When asked if she married this beau of hers, she said no. She explained he was of the age to enlist, and ended up going to war. He never returned.
When she would return to Europe, she would visit his gravesite. This song brought her a beautiful memory of a happy time in her life, and took her to a place she remembered with a very special someone. “Touching” doesn’t even begin to describe what transpired.
For more information about Ken and Mary, visit their website.